Deniz Eray Harvey studied law in Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and she obtained an L.L.M. degree in Banking and Finance Law at Queen Mary, University of London. She worked in one of the leading law firms in Istanbul and gained a decade of experience representing a diverse group of local and foreign clients. While she was doing her L.L.M. in London in 2011, she worked at Linklaters, L.L.P. as a guest lawyer in the debt and equity department. Deniz founded ERAY HARVEY law firm in 2015. In 2022, Eren and Deniz founded HARVEY & ARASAN law firm.
She has been a member of Istanbul Bar since 2008. She is also a member of the CCI France Turquie.
She is a sworn translator in English and French.
Queen Mary, University of London LLM: Banking and Finance Law, London, 2011
University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne (Business Law and International Law) Paris, 2005
Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, (Licence International Law), Paris, 2004
Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne (DEUG), Paris, 2003
Galatasaray High School, Istanbul, 2001
Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, (Licence Droit International), Paris, 2004